English (UK)
Precipitation Measurement with GPRS Transmission
Channel Networks - Fix Installation Measurements
- Determination of precipitation volumes for billing purposes within a water association consisting of several communities
- Setup of 7 precipitation measurement spots to detect stormwater volumes
- Transmission of detected data to central access point via GPRS desired
Definition of tasks
- Recording the flow rate to the sewage treatment plant
- Despite changing flow conditions and thus a changing flow profile, the aim is to achieve the most accurate measurement possible
- Three new rain gauges were addtionally installed. Then each of the 7 measurement stations was equipped with a NivuLog Easy unit for data storage and GPRS transmission.
- The power supply for the data loggers comes directly from the power supply units for heating the precipitation gauges.
- The "Device-to-Web" data portal independently creates all required statistics as daily and monthly values and gathers the data in a common spreadsheet. This significantly facilitates overall evaluation.
- The communities connected additionally get separate access to their readings so that the previously required manual data exchange is no longer necessary.